Sunday, September 13, 2020

Dear Little Bumblebee

Sweetest (and only, so far) grandchild of mine, you came to my house one day this week and I was smitten. I couldn't help myself. In the first place, the shirt you wore made you the dearest little bumblebee ever!

And then you proceeded to charm me with your expressions while you played with the toys. What all were you imagining?

Your mom and dad were right when they said that your favorite toys are real tools. Hopefully your interest in them will last well beyond the day you actually need to use them to do real chores.  

Then we went outside to the orchard, where you seemed a natural at handling the apples. You didn't actually pick them, but I could tell you'd know how. You surprised me by saying "ap-ple", plain as day, when you spotted one. I didn't know you use another word besides "up". It was a delightful moment.

Then we went to the swing set. You sat there. The pudge of your nose, your little hands gripping the slide, your elephant crocs, though...How do you cram so much darlingness into one pose?

Later, we got out the baseball set. You weren't sad, really, were you? Just contemplating life, I reckon. Or maybe just pondering when and where and how to throw a ball.

You know what the best thing was, though? How you gave me a picture of God's love for me. When I came to pick you up to bring you to my house, you came toddling out your apartment door toward my van, and I knew the exact moment you saw me. Your eyes lit up in recognition and you got the biggest grin on your face and you came running toward me, arms outstretched. My heart just leapt in return. I wanted nothing more than to run toward you and scoop you up and let you know my grandma love for you.

So now, since you gave me that picture, I know what I am going to do. These days, when I get all confused and distressed about stuff like viruses, hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires, be they literal or figurative, I'm going to look up. One glimpse there - maybe a verse or song or word from a friend or visit from a grandson - and my face will light up in recognition. That's from God. I know Him! I'm running toward Him, arms outstretched...


  1. LOVE this, Danette!! Wow, he's getting big! The bigger he gets the more I think he looks like both sides of his family. And those apple orchard shots . . . priceless!

    1. Thanks, Chels. I agree with you that Seth looks like his dad's side sometimes and at other times I surely can see his mom's side in his expressions. I also agree that a sweet toddler and an apple orchard in autumn are a winning combination!

  2. Thanks for these pictures, Danette! You sure have a cute grandson. And that analogy at the end of the post... such a wonderful reminder of what kind of relationship we can have with God!

    1. Thanks for replying, Brianna. I couldn't agree more about the cute grandson description. And I am delighted that God teaches me about Himself through my times with Seth.

  3. Such a sweet "commentary" of your cute grandson. Aren't they so much fun. Liked your post very much!

    1. Thanks, Auntie, for reading my blog, and for commenting. Yes, a grandchild is so much fun! You know this, x how many by now? And how many great-grands do you have?

  4. "I'm going to look up." I tucked those words away! Great post.

    1. Thank you! I don't know how many times since writing this post that I've had to come back to my own promise (to look up) and recommit to it. He is always there, faithful in His love, when I do. <3

  5. This is beautifully written and I can relate so well to it. Tho my grands have multiplied wildly beyond only one, I still experience that exhilaration when a wee one beams their first smile of recognition at me.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. And now I am curious which one of my reader-friends has the wild grands. I mean the wildly exhilarating ones. (smiley face)

  6. How beautiful, Danette! I miss our beautiful Canadian & 'Africa'grandchildren sweethearts so very much & often wonder when I can gather them in my arms again.
    But! Yes! I will eagerly run to my Father with my longing & anticipation... He knows my heart's desire. Trust Him.
    God bless you! 💙

    1. Thank you! I'm not sure who my "mother of promise" reader-friend is, but knowing that she has sweet grands in Canada and Africa, I wonder if her name is Eva... If so, did I ever tell you that my first mom's name was Eva? <3

  7. Your words and photos captured so well the delight and love that Seth brings! I love these words and photos. The picture of pure and innocent love that he helps us see is such a gift.

    1. "The picture of pure and innocent love that he helps us see is such a gift." I couldn't agree more. I'm grateful that you - and I - get to be in the same family circle (these days it's a bubble, I guess) as Seth! <3
